Back in February, I noticed Luma on Kickstarter. What made it compelling to me was the concept of a mesh network, which could in theory remove all deadspots around the house and guarantee excellent network throughput everywhere. As most engineers out there, I have a large number of wireless devices throughout the house…
Breakout Sessions That You Dont Want To Miss This Year At Citrix Synergy!
Citrix Monthly Newsletter – March ’16
General Announcement and News Synergy Session Catalog Is Live “Citrix Synergy is the premier industry conference on digital business transformation. Synergy provides attendees with the tools and confidence they need to say yes to workforce mobility, security and compliance, BYO, workplace redesign, hybrid cloud infrastructure—and whatever comes next. This year Synergy is in Las Vegas…
XenApp/XenDesktop 7.8 – A Big Step Forward In Image Management
Citrix released XenApp and XenDesktop 7.8 on 02/25 and with it came numerous feature enhancements. In this post, I want to focus on two of these features as it addresses a major challenge most Citrix administrators have to deal with today. The Problem It is safe to say that every enterprise customer that I work…
Citrix Newsletter – March ’15
General Announcements Citrix Joins Microsoft Cloud Storage Partner Program to Extend Productivity Across Organizational Boundaries “Citrix announced it is an inaugural member of the new Microsoft Cloud Storage Partner Program. Citrix and Microsoft’s longtime partnership of more than 25 years is enhanced by this alliance agreement, enabling new ways to work for their joint customers.…
Synergy Recap Part 2 – XenMobile Announcements
Continuing on the topic on Synergy, changes to the XenMobile product suite was the other big announcement.. Lets take a step back.. Up until the beginning of this 2013, Citrix’s approach to mobililty was Mobile Application Management through their CloudGateway product. The strategy was that enterprises would have the ability to deliver SaaS, Web, Windows…
Gaby Turns 1
Keh Lene Do (Agnee Cover)
This is a song from an Indian contemporary rock group called Agnee. Surprisingly they are not that well known. I thank Jay Swaminathan for introducing me to their music. This is probably my favorite song of theirs. Its a romantic number which flows beautifully. I absolutely love the melody! Please do check out Agnee!…