Citrix Workspace: Addressing The Security Conundrum [Session Recorded at Citrix Synergy 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia]

  Scott Lane and I had the privilege to lead a session at Citrix Synergy this year around the security benefits of Citrix Workspace. When most people think about the Citrix Workspace, then tend to focus on the user experience and productivity benefits. While these are very important, there are also a number of security…

Sites vs Zones in XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x – Design Considerations When Choosing Between The Two

Zones, a key design element that administrators and architects have learned to love in XenApp 6.5 was reintroduced in Xenapp and XenDesktop 7.7 FMA architecture. Prior to 7.7, building multiple sites was generally recommended when spanning multiple data centers or regions but now customers  now have the option of leveraging Zones. While Zones is a potential option, it might not always be the right option based on your situation. In this post, my goal is to review basic concepts around Sites and Zones and dig into design considerations to help choose between the two.

Citrix Monthly Newsletter – February ’16

General Announcement and News XenApp 7.8 & XenDesktop 7.8 Available for Download Customers with active Software Maintenance (SWM) or Subscription Advantage (SA)–effective February 17, 2016–can download XenApp 7.8 and XenDesktop 7.8 on The XenApp and XenDesktop 7.8 release greatly simplifies application management, delivering a 90% time savings over traditional methods. It enhances the user…