This song is from a recent tamil movie called Varanam Aayiram. Both Meera and Srividya suggested this song and hence I ended up doing it with both of them. Both are extremely talented singers and have their own distinct styles (which I am sure you will be able to distinguish). My vocals are pretty much the same in both versions, however the harmonies are slightly different. I thank both Meera and Vidya for suggesting this song, providing the track and for singing with me.
With Vidya:
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Movie: Vaaranam Aayiram
Original music by: Harris Jeyaraj
Originally sung by: Krish, Benny Dayal and Sruthi Hassan
Main vocals by: George Kuruvilla & Srividya Kasturi
Harmonies by: George Kuruvilla & Srividya Kasturi
Mixed by: George Kuruvilla
With Meera:
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Credits:Movie: Vaaranam Aayiram
Original music by: Harris Jeyaraj
Originally sung by: Krish, Benny Dayal and Sruthi Hassan
Main vocals by: George Kuruvilla & Meera Manohar
Harmonies by: George Kuruvilla & Meera Manohar
Mixed by: George Kuruvilla